Women’s Work Lab C.I.C
2285. Camilla Rigby
2286. Rachel Mostyn
Camilla Rigby and Rachel Mostyn, from Bristol, founded the ‘Women’s Work Lab C.I.C’ to transform the lives of unemployed mums who are in receipt of benefits by rebuilding their confidence and helping them to find careers that work for them and their families.

Recognising that there is a talented, multiskilled workforce that might face significant barriers to getting back into work, Camilla and Rachel wanted to create a space to recognise and support women and help them to build a financially secure future for them and their families.
They run a 9-month programme, designed by women who understand business and motherhood, that combines bespoke classroom training with a work placement, 121 career coaching and mentoring. ’Women’s Work Lab’ works with a range of organisations from job centres to charities and children’s centres, who refer their clients to participate in the programme, and have now supported over 300 Mums, while extending their services across the South West. Two thirds of the mums they have worked with are now back into employment.
The award for Camilla and Rachel coincides with International Women’s Day, a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.
In a personal letter to Camilla, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said:
“Together with Rachel, you have created a unique programme that is helping Mums transform their lives by boosting their confidence and supporting them to find a career that fits them and their families.
“I know that this is something you have achieved yourself, having juggled work and other commitments with raising your own children. Now you are serving as a role model for so many other Mums and you are making a huge difference by, as you put it, helping them recognise their own brilliance.”
In a personal letter to Rachel, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said:
“I understand that you were inspired to act when, together with Camilla, you noticed a lack of help for Mums to return to work, especially for those in receipt of benefits or lacking previous work experience.
“But you didn’t just write a letter or advocate for change – you decided to deliver it yourselves.
“As a result, you have now supported more than 300 Mums across the South West, and the initiative is going from strength to strength.”
Camilla and Rachel said:
“We are hugely humbled to receive this recognition on behalf of the entire ‘Women’s Work Lab’ team and the hundreds of Mums we work with across the South West. We feel proud to support exceptional women on their journeys to find work that works for them and their families. Our Mums have often faced multiple barriers to employment and every week we are blown away by the strength and resilience they show in achieving their potential. There’s so much talent within our communities and we all love playing a part in helping our Mums to recognise their brilliance and build a financially stable future.”
Find out more about ‘Women’s Work Lab C.I.C’