The Nick Alexander Music Trust
2191. Zoe Alexander
Zoe Alexander, from Essex, established ‘The Nick Alexander Music Trust’ in November 2016 in memory of her brother, Nick, who was killed in the terror attack at the Bataclan Theatre in Paris on this day in 2015.

In tribute to Nick’s love of music, Zoe wanted to create a charity that would help others benefit from music. The Trust has awarded grants for musical equipment to community groups and small charities across the UK, raising money through donations and charity concerts that have been supported by the global music community. Grants from the charity have supported a range of projects including sensory instruments for music therapy programmes for deaf children and a bespoke sounding bowl for therapeutic use by people suffering from dementia.
The Trust has support from major entertainment names, including TV presenter Dermot O’Leary and music artist Frank Turner, who have each held fundraising gigs for the charity.
Zoe said:
“Nick was a true music lover and his legacy lives on in every note that is played in his memory so it’s a huge honour to have his legacy recognised by the Point of Light awards”.
Find out more about ‘The Nick Alexander Music Trust’