Team Mikayla
2237. Mikayla Beames
Mikayla Beames, aged 17, from Oxfordshire, has been fighting brain cancer since she was 4 years old and founded her charity ‘Team Mikayla’ to help other children with cancer.

Mikayla received her diagnosis of a brain tumour after her family noticed issues with her eyesight, and she wanted to help other children on the ward where she was receiving treatment. She delivered her first gift in 2011, before going on to launch ‘Team Mikayla’ in 2014, which fundraises through various events, raffles and donations, using money raised to help grant wishes to children receiving treatment.
Mikayla has so far raised over £300,000 and provided gifts and treats for over 300 children. Volunteers have undertaken challenges including running marathons and taking part in other fundraising events, to support the charity that helps children receiving treatment at hospitals in Oxford, Leicester, Bristol and Nottingham, with plans to expand to further hospitals.
In a personal letter to Mikayla, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said:
“Your own experience of living with a brain tumour means you know what a difference it makes for children fighting cancer to have a break from their painful routine.
“So it is fantastic to hear that your charity is now supporting children right across the country. You have granted over 300 wishes and raised more than £300,000 through fundraising challenges such as your 16th birthday skydive.”
Congratulating Mikayla on her award, David Johnston, Mikayla’s local MP for Wantage, said:
“Mikayla is a very inspirational young woman who has battled against great odds from a young age not just for herself but on behalf of children like her. To have created a successful charity at such a young age is very impressive and I am proud to be a patron of it and to know Mikayla and her family.”
Mikayla said:
“I feel truly blessed and honoured to receive this award from our Prime Minister! I have always been just a girl wanting to make other children fighting cancer receive a break from their painful routine, so to have the work my Trustees, volunteers, and I do recognised is truly amazing. Thank you Prime Minister!”
Mikayla’s parents and the Trustees of ‘Team Mikayla’ said:
“Mikayla has been our shining Point of Light since her cancer diagnosis thirteen years ago. From having the sweet idea to “give her friends in hospital some gifts to help them smile” to actively helping to run and direct her charity, Mikayla continues to amaze and inspire all of us; and we wholeheartedly thank the Prime Minister for recognising Mikayla’s ever-growing brightness.”
Find out more about ‘Team Mikayla’