2093. Joyclen Buffong
Joyclen Buffong, from London, spent two decades as a youth worker before setting up her charity ‘Rise:365’ in 2019 to steer young people from ethnic minority backgrounds away from anti-social behaviour, and change the narrative around how young people can be perceived.

As part of this, the organisation hosts a successful mentoring programme, for young people between the ages of 12 – 28. Mentors agree a plan with attainable goals and support their mentee through their progress, fostering strong connections.
Working with charities like ‘The Felix Project’, Joyclen has helped thousands of young people engage in volunteering, particularly during the pandemic. She also runs a parent support programme, offering mediation services and training to parents dealing with challenging behaviour, school exclusions and communication issues.
In a personal letter to Joyclen, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said:
“It is fantastic to hear how your charity ‘Rise:365’ is supporting and mentoring young people and their parents through personal challenges.
“You are also equipping thousands of young people with new skills through volunteering and giving them access to activities that are enabling them to fulfil their potential.
“Through your kindness, compassion and community spirit you are changing people’s lives.”
Joyclen said:
“I am grateful that the work of my organisation RISE.365 and all the amazing things our young people are doing has had recognition at this level. We will continue to make a difference in the lives of young people and the community, changing the narrative of how some young people are perceived is fundamental.”
See more about ‘Rise:365’