Msizi Africa
1276. Lucy Herron
Lucy Herron, from London, is the founder of ‘Msizi Africa’, which has provided nearly 3 million meals to 1,000 orphans and vulnerable children across Lesotho as Lucy believes that children can only reach their full potential when they are not hungry.

Lucy launched the charity following time volunteering at an orphanage in Lesotho in 2006, where she realised that while children were being fed, they were not receiving nutritional diets, particularly those diagnosed with HIV/AIDs. Since then, the charity has raised over £1.25 million to pay for healthy meals. The charity has also supplied over 1,000 school uniforms for children, built 15 houses for vulnerable families and provided help for young people with tuition fees.
In a personal letter to Lucy, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said:
“I know you do this with no thought of praise or reward, but allow me to offer my own recognition of how, through ‘Msizi Africa’, you have provided millions of meals to orphans and vulnerable children across Lesotho giving them the very best start in life.”
Lucy said:
“This is really exciting! It’s a huge honour to be recognised. I’m lucky to be able to work with these amazing children, but hopefully being recognised for this work will enable others to find out about the work of Msizi Africa and help us feed more vulnerable children.”