Just a Ball Game?
1182. Lindsay England
Lindsay England, originally from Bradford and living in Manchester, is the founder of ‘Just a Ball Game?’, an LGBT+ organisation campaigning to kick homophobic, biphobic and transphobic abuse and discrimination out of sport.

Lindsay, a lifelong Bradford City FC fan, originally started the organisation as a blog and then as a campaign organisation which also project manages a women’s Futsal /5-a-side team locally in Manchester and the Bradford City LGBT+ Fan Group, a hub for LGBT+ supporters and non LGBT+ allies which aims to provide a safe space for fans and encourage greater inclusion in football and other sports. ‘Just a Ball Game?’ has since grown, aiming to raise the profile of LGBT people in sport and working with clubs and organisations at local and national level to promote inclusion. This has included working with ‘Kick It Out’, the anti-discrimination in football campaign, and the Home Office to issue LGBT-inclusive advice to match-day stewards. Lindsay has also worked with the TUC to design a toolkit for union officials offering practical advice on tackling homophobia at club level, and with the FA to host a conference at Wembley earlier this year discussing the most pressing issues facing the LGBT community in football.
In a personal letter to Lindsay, Prime Minister Theresa May said:
“Through ‘Just a Ball Game’, you are sharing a powerful message of inclusion and equality for LGBT people in sport. Nobody should feel excluded from a sport that they love and your commitment to eradicating homophobia, biphobia and transphobia is truly remarkable. I wish you the very best in your continued work.”
Lindsay said:
“Just a Ball Game? Was founded in 2010 because I wanted to be able to make a difference. The recognition through a Points of Light award is testimony to the hard work and dedication volunteers achieve when they are given support on their journey.
“Today’s LGBT+ celebrations are tomorrow’s LGBT+ history.”