1390. Claire Goodwin-Fee
1391. Ellen Waldren
Claire Goodwin-Fee and Ellen Waldren, from Kent and Grantham, launched ‘Frontline19’, an initiative offering mental health support to NHS workers during the pandemic, and for the aftermath.
They provide free, online counselling to more than 600 frontline workers, conducted by over 3,000 qualified, volunteer professionals, who are able to assist with a range of services from one-off virtual calls through to 12 week sessions of formal counselling.
In a personal letter to Claire, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said:
“I want to congratulate you on becoming the UK’s 1390th Point of Light, as part of this special series of awards to honour those who are serving others as we battle to defeat Coronavirus.
“I have a deeply personal appreciation for the enormous strains facing many of our healthcare workers as they strive so courageously to save lives.
“So I am filled with admiration for the way that you and Ellen have brought together an army of more than three thousand qualified professionals to provide them with free online counselling and support at this time.
“Frontline 19 exemplifies the very best of our country. So on behalf of the whole country, allow me to say a heartfelt thank you!”
In a personal letter to Ellen, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said:
“I want to thank you for the brilliant initiative that you have launched to support our incredible frontline workers at this time.
“Together with Claire, you have convened an army of more than three thousand qualified professionals to provide free online counselling and mental health support to those who are enduring some of the most unimaginable pressures as they battle to save lives.
“I have a deeply personal appreciation for all that our frontline workers are doing to support our country – and so, in turn, for all that you are doing to support them.
“So I am delighted to be able to recognise your service by naming you as the UK’s 1391st Point of Light. On behalf of the whole country, thank you!”
Claire said:
“I am very honoured to be given the Points of Light award personally but also in recognition of all of our amazing volunteers who are providing emotional support to all of the hardworking NHS and Frontline staff in hospitals, the community and care homes across the UK. Particularly King College Hospital Intensive Care Unit who were the inspiration for me starting this project after they saved the life of my father Laurence a couple of years ago. All of the Frontline19 team work with very traumatic cases with endless compassion, dedication and commitment and we are so grateful to them.”
Ellen said:
“I am absolutely delighted that our efforts to support the mental health of frontline workers have been recognised, and I share this award with all the 3,000 psychotherapists, counsellors and psychologists without whom we couldn’t offer this amazing independent, responsive and effective service.”