Deleting blood cancer
507. Samrick Singh Bahia
A Worcester university graduate raised £100,000 for Delete Blood Cancer after being diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.

During his second year of university, Samrick was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Samrick had been a keen rugby player and an active students’ union member, but his life was put on hold while he went through a year of intense chemotherapy in 2013, followed by regular precautionary treatment.
Samrick was inspired to encourage other people to register as stem cell donors, setting up his own charity, Singh4Samrick, to raise funds and awareness. Campaigning to increase awareness of the condition, Samrick succeeded in registering 500 people on to the UK Stem Cell Registry and raising nearly £101,083 for Delete Blood Cancer UK.
The significant sum was achieved through organising charity balls with themes such as Viva Las Vegas and Bollywood, which saw over 1300 people attend to raise money for Singh4Samrick. Samrick also ran a number of half marathons and even persuaded his mum to complete a sponsored skydive for the charity. After being given the ‘all clear’ in March, he is planning to complete a sponsored mountain climbing challenge and hold another fundraising gala later this year.
Prime Minister David Cameron said:
“Samrick knows how vital it is that we do everything possible to fight blood cancer – and he is helping to lead the way for us all. He has raised a fantastic amount of money for Delete Blood Cancer and inspired hundreds of people to join the Stem Cell Registry and help save lives. I am delighted to recognise Samrick as a Point of Light in our country and wish him luck in all his future events – including the Three Peaks Challenge in June.”
Samrick said:
“I am very grateful for this award and will keep trying to raise more awareness and money.”